The UK government speaks of court challenges over the years, and yes, the courts have ruled in their favour. However, is the criteria just whether it’s ‘legal’ or not? In days gone by the slave trade was ‘legal’; and in former days it was also deemed ‘legal’ to deny women the right to vote. Instead of focusing on what may or may not be a ‘legal’ obligation, would it not be better to focus on what is the just and fair thing to do?
Please use the table below to help you find your MP in the UK from the last Constituency where you lived in the UK. If you are not sure, type in the Search field on the right hand side either as much as you know of either the MP’s Name or any part of their Constituency, and the full details for your MP will be shown. When using the search criteria, after entering your search request, tap the button to your right and unselect the columns that you are not going to be searching on. For example, if you are searching on your MP’s name, then just leave the “List Name As” unticked. If you are going to be searching on Constituency, then just leave that column unticked.
You may find that your MP has several lines in the table below, including their their social media contact details as well. If you are going to write to your MP in the UK. Then the Address that you should send your letter to is:
Full Name and Title (from the table below).
House of Commons
London. SW1A 0AA.
United Kingdom
Unfortunately, you will need to pay for the postage.